Kamis, 06 Juni 2013

bahasa inggris pertemuan 10

1.      Question tags
Question tags adalah pertanyaan singkat yang diikutkan pada akhir sebuah kalimat untuk membuat pertanyaan.
1.        I’m right, aren’t I?
2.        Everything is nice, isn’t it?
3.        that is his bag, isn’t it?
4.        There is an old house, isn’t there?
5.        Nobody came late, did they?
6.        You will never regret it, will you?
7.        Nothing is impossible, is it?
8.        Everybody like him, don’t they?
9.        Don’t speak, will you?
10.     You didn’t drink alcohol, did you?

2.       Conditional Sentence
Conditional Sentences (Kalimat Pengandaian) adalah suatu bentuk kalimat majemuk yang dapat kita gunakan ketika kita ingin mengatakan bahwa sesuatu tersebut adalah suatu akibat atau konsekuensi yang tergantung pada situasi lainnya. Di dalamnya terdapat klausa pengandaian (IF CLAUSE) dan klausa akibat (RESULT CLAUSE). Pada bentuk conditional sentences kita menggunakan kata "if (jika)".
1.       I have enough money, I buy a new car.
2.       I have enough money tomorrow, I will buy a new car.
3.       I taught this class, I would not give tests.
4.       Sam were here right now, he would help us.
5.       I were you, I would accept this invitation.
6.       they had studied, they would have passed the exam.
7.       I had  had enough money, Iwould have bought a new car yesterday
8.       I don’t eat breakfast, I always get hungry during class.
9.       tell him to e-mail me.
10.    I will pass the exams.

3.       Adjective and adverb
Adjective (kata sifat) memberikan informasi tentang kata benda.
Adverb (kata keterangan) merubah kata kerja, yakni kata keterangan menjelaskan bagaimana sesuatu dilakukan.
1. She’s an excellent dancer.
2. I’ve got a new apartment.
3. She learns quickly.
4. You can speak English well.
5. This is a beautiful bird.
6.“This is a bird beautiful.” tidak benar.
7.She has a cute puppy.
8.She has three cute puppies.
9.I’m really happy today.
10.She’s got a new job so she feels great.
11.You look wonderful!
12.This chicken tastes delicious.

4.       So and Such
1.       The music is so loud! I wish they would turn it down.
2.       The meal was so good! It was worth the money.
3.       She spoke so quickly! She sounded like an auctioneer.
4.       He paints so well! I am sure he is going to become a famous artist.
5.       Jake earns so much money that he has lost all sense of what a dollar is worth.
6.       Don has such a big house! I think it's a little ridiculous.
7.       Shelly has such beautiful eyes! I have never seen that shade of blue before.
8.       Don has such a big house that I actually got lost on the way to the bathroom.
9.       Shelly has such beautiful eyes that she got a job as a make-up model.
10.    He is such an idiot ! He says the stupidest things.

5.       Yes , no Question
Yes-No question adalah pertanyaan yang membutuhkan jawaban yes (ya) atau no (tidak).
1.       Am I near your house? No (you aren't).
2.       Was his apartment above a bakery? Yes (it was).
3.       Am I going with you and Tom? Yes (you are).
4.       Is she working today? No (she isn't).
5.       Was it raining? Yes (it was).
6.       Was he given a reward? Yes (he was).
7.       Were you driven home in a taxi? Yes (we were).
8.       Was his idea good? No (it wasn't).
9.       Is England adopting the euro? No (it isn't).
10.    Were dinosaurs killed by meteors? No (they weren't).

6.       Few and A Few
1.       I've got a few friends (= maybe not many, but enough)
2.       Few people visited him in hospital (= he had almost no visitors)
3.       Few friends visited me. - Hardly any friends visited me.
4.       A few friends visited me. - Some friends visited me.
5.       I've got a few friends. We meet everyday.
6.       I've got (very) few friends. I need to make new friends.
7.       There are a few students in that classroom.
8.       He says few applicants have presented them selves.
9.       We´ve got a lettuce and a few tomatoes
10.    Few people in my street recycle their rubbish

7.       Little and A Little
1.       He had little money (= almost no money)
2.       I've got a little money (= I've got enough to live on)
3.       I need little money. - I need hardly any money.
4.       I need a little money. - I need some money.
5.       I've got a little money. I'm going to the cinema.
6.       I've got (very) little money. I need to borrow some.
7.       There's little wine left in the bottle.
8.       I've put a little sugar into your coffee.
9.       I have little time for rude people
10.    I normally have a little wine with my lunch

8.       A. Enough
1.       I’m so busy, I haven’t got enough time.
2.       Do you have enough potatoes?
3.       This jacket isn’t big enough for me.
4.       She speaks English well enough to go to an American university.
5.       We have enough money to buy our own apartment.

B. Because
  1. I called you because I needed you.
  2. She failed the test because she was lazy.
  3. I eat a lot of pizza because I like it
  4. I study English because I want a good job.
  5.  I went out because the sun was shining.

C. Because Of
1.  I lost my appetite because of a stomachache.
2. because of the rain,we have cancelled the party .
3. He was frustrated because of the mucked up windscreen
4. I'm happy because of you.
5. We were late because of the rain.

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